MIMPI MANIS A family's dream of freedom becomes true |
MIMPI MANIS Mimpi Manis is taken from the Indonesian language and means „sweet dreams“. And was a phrase we used to say „good night“ to each other. At these days we (Evi and me) were travelling in Indonesia and have met just a couple of weeks before. So knowing this phrase we decided to name our sailing boat „Mimpi Manis“ How it started: At least 20 years ago I started to dream from a circumnavigation, to enjoy the freedom of sailing on the sea and explore foreign countries. Today this dream has become true when typing these lines I'm sitting right on „Mimpi Manis“ and enjoying the warmth of southern countries and the blue sea right outside the boat. How far this trip will lead is not known to any of us and maybe we find back home to Europe or we settle down in another country. 46 of our friends came to the small island of Lefcas in Greece to join our farewell-party. Thanks to all who have managed to get there, although it was hard to reach. Saying farewell to so many friends was not easy, not knowing when we will meet them again. As soon as we know where we will stay for some longer time (couple of months) we will organise another party at a place and time to be announced. Let's see who will come. For those who like to follow our footsteps across the seas we will update this page as time will come. But we intend to make holidays and therefore we are not sure how often we have time to do this and so the interval may sometimes be longer than expected both by you and us! There's lot of stuff to do, scuba diving, sightseeing, playing with Lena, sleeping in the hammock, ... How to get into contact with us, simply write an email to following address: sy“at“mimpimanis.de Please exchange the „at“ by @ to complete the address. The @ is intentionally left out to be secure from spam-mails. I once did it not and still suffer with lot of spam in my inbox. As time will come we will write updates of this page and/or send emails to all our friends on our mailing list. To get onto this mailing list, just send an email and ask to be added. All our adventures will also be covered by our diary. Thanks for visiting our webpage, have fun while reading and we hope to see all or at least some of our faithful friends somewhere again. Lena, Evi and Stephan |