MIMPI MANIS A family's dream of freedom becomes true |
Websites we rate to be worth reading: www.seezigeuner.de Michaela and Volker sailing around the world (German only) www.xantus.ch Ernie, Rolf and their narrator Claude sailing to ... (German only) www.syverena.de Isabell, Kilian, Steffie and Alfred are sailing with their children of school age (German only) www.bluewater.de Lots of interesting articles and a forum (mainly in German!) www.trans-ocean.org Homepage of the TOC and lots of links to other websites worth visiting (mainly in German) www.windfinder.com very detailed information on weather and winds www.morgi-claudia-edgar.de Claudia and Edgar sailing on their bright red „Morgi“ (German only) www.syaquila.de Wilma and Gerd sailing (German only) www.camino10.com Traveling without sailing but on foot, bicycle, ... http://sailingorion.blogs.com Pieter, Arjanne, Leendert (7) and Hedwig (4) sailing on „Orion“ (English, partly Dutch) www.reinke-yacht.de website of the designer our “Mimpi Manis” www.caribwx.mwxc.com private weather for the Caribbean sea www.nhc.noaa.gov weather from the official American authorities for the Caribbean Sea www.noonsite.com Webpage of Jimmy Cornell including up to date information on countries, security aspects, ...
Note: all links listed here do NOT represent our opinion, we are NOT involved with any word written on one of the pages above. In case you find anything strange on one of those links this is not connected to anybody involved with maintaninig the mimpimanis.de site and does not reflect our opinion.