and Numbers
We start into the New Year with a traditional Bavarian breakfast.
White Sausages with freshly baked pretzel, Händlmeiersenf and
a bottle of Franziskaner Weißbier. In the meantime we have
managed to form the pretzel quite in time and they look more
nicely every time we give ourselves a try. And in the meantime we
really have made lots of experience in forming pretzels. Even Lena
is helping at her best with kneading the dough and forming rolls.
On the evening of January 2nd we lift our anchor to
sail to the BVIs (British Virgin Islands), just a night sail away.
As the BVIs are known as a very expensive part of the Caribbean
Sea we have loaded up our fridge with lots of greenstuff in order
to be independent for the next few weeks.
after having set sails Lena is falling asleep while seated in her
chair and continues to sleep in her bed till we arrive next
morning. As this leg of 80 miles was roly and not a nice sail at
all, we thank god, that our daughter is sleeping so well while
sailing in the night. Nevertheless Evi is changing her colour very
rapidly and starts feeding the fishes during her shift! Although
it's no nice sailing, we are fast and manage an average speed of
6knots. So we arrive in the morning after only 14 hours at Virgin
Gorda and drop anchor in front of Spanish Town at 8am. Checking in
with customs and immigration was an easy task. We paid 15$ and
0.30$ for the forms while checking in and 0.75$ for the forms for
checking out. And we received an invoice for each! But be warned
if you arrive with a Charterboat, this will cost you lot of money
and easily reach an amount of more than 100$ as you pay for the
time you want to spent and for each crew-member or passenger.
Although some sailors warned us that the officers are rude and
unfriendly we did not make such an experience and maybe it helped
again that Lena was with Stephan when he checked in and out. We
made this experience all over the Caribbean Sea, be joined by a
small child and you will see friendly faces at the officials.
British Virgin Islands consist of 16 inhabited and lots oaf
uninhabited islands. Altogether app. 14,000 people live here and
most of them in the capital Road Harbour on Tortola. The others
mostly live on Virgin Gorda, Anegada and Jost van Dyke. The BVIs
are a crown colony and the Queen is the formal head. A Governor is
representing the Queen and he decides on foreign affairs, internal
and external security and on the legislative. The most important
business is tourism particularly Yacht-Chartering. This does not
wonder as her everything a sailor needs is available, short
distances between the bays and harbours, beautiful bays with sandy
beaches, crystal-clear water with lots of dive-spots and lots of
marinas capable to deal with all those boats and assist in
repairs. So these are the reasons why the BVIs won the highest
density of charter-companies and hundreds of boats are sailing in
the protected waters of the Sir Francis Drake Channel.
having passed immigration and customs we lift up our anchor and
head for Peter Island on the southeastern side of the Sir Francis
Drake Channel. After 2 hours of happy sailing with wind from the
back we finally reach our destination and drop anchor in the
Deadmans Bay. And now we have to fulfil the task to make a lovely
home out of our sailing boat and set up the suncover and the
hammock again. For the next days we only do relaxing and doing
nothing at all except lying in the hammock, taking long walks on
the sandy beaches and building sandcastles. In the meantime
weather has become more dry and it seems that the rainy season has
finally come to an end. A strong northeasterly wind is blowing and
so we are able to enjoy lower temperatures. Since months we must
get out the warm blankets again as otherwise we would get a cold!
The ventilators are not in use any more! Daytime temperature is
down to only 25°C - 28° C, nothing compared to the 36°C
we had to suffer from in Venezuela.
a few days at Peter Island we went to Norman Island from where
Stephan took a 2nm dinghy trip to the rocks called “The
Indians” for diving. With the air left in his tank he is
cleaning the bottom of our ship to get rid of some algae and
barnacles. But unfortunately the history tends to repeat. Next day
morning he is waking up with severe pain in his ears and so he
won't be able to dive for the next days. And that is a pity as
close by at Salt Island an interesting wreck can be dived. 1867 a
hurricane went over the BVis and the mailship “Rhone”
was wrecked and sunk with 125 people on board. No wonder that
hundreds of divers a day are found at this wreck in only 20m
depth. As Lena is telling us more frequently that she needs to go
to the toilet, we gift her a pair of fins and a mask to support
her. She likes these gifts so much that she walks around with them
the whole day and does not like to get out of the water again.
soon after we lift our anchor again to explore new bays. We stay
some days on the south side of Peter Island and then we head north
to Savannah Bay on the western side of Virgin Gorda. But we only
stay one night there as a strong northerly swell is coming up,
making this anchorage uncomfortable within minutes. But entrance
is hard to find and impossible to be passed during nighttime. So
we had to wait till sunrise to leave. We went further north to the
Virgin Gorda Sound, a secluded bay with lots of anchorages,
marinas and resorts. We stayed at Leverick Bay, Bitter End Yacht
Club, Drakes Anchorage and went back to Leverick Bay.
Infrastructure at the Virgin Gorda Sound is exceptionel good
compared to the other anchorages. We are able to use WiFi, the
marinas have swimming pools and there are lots of small shops and
restaurants. We do nothing but having long walks with Lena, relax
at swimming pools, enjoying ice-cream and thinking of what to cook
tonight. Our greenstuff is mostly gone and as the prices are not
affordable for sailors we decide to save on the money but to feed
on the long term storage. Since Venezuela we are stocked up with
hundreds of tins and to get most of them eaten till our planned
holiday in Germany in summer we only need to open 3-4 tins a day.
It is Evis' task to get something eatable out of all those tins.
Fried potatoes with olives, corn and beans, Paella with seafood,
tuna and peas, noodles with tomato-tuna-peas-sauce, rice with
black bans and coconut-milk, ...
is passing by very fast. After 2 ½ weeks we take a more
serious look at the weather charts to find a suitable day for the
leg back to St. Martin. We would love to sail with a wind of
10knots coming from 60 degrees and no waves at all. To hope for a
westerly wind would take years of waiting! The last couple of days
we had strong easterly winds of up to 20-25knots, but now it seems
that we are lucky and and wind will calm down a bit and shift more
to the north. Unfortunately a strong northerly swell will come up
with waves as high as 3m. We intend to make use of this weather
window as for next week stronger winds are expected. So we leave
the Virgin Gorda Sound and return to Spanish Town to check out
with customs and immigration nest day morning. While anchoring in
front of Spanish Town we really got some feeling of the northerly
swell and the boat was heavily rolling the whole night. We are
glad to lift our anchor and head for St. Martin next day.
before leaving we want to do some sightseeing and spent a couple
of hours at one of the main attractions of the BVIs. There is a
beautiful spot on the southwestern shore of Virgin Gorda called
“The Baths” where hundreds of huge granite rocks lie
around and forming a labyrinth of small caves, pools, ... where
someone can have a bath or snorkel. As it is impossible to get
ashore with the dinghy due to the huge swell and it is forbidden
anyway we secure the dinghy at a dinghy-mooring and swim ashore
after having secured our boat to one of the numerous moorings
available. Lena is wearing her inflatable arm bands and an extra
ring. She really likes swimming in these conditions with high
waves coming in and tearing you from your feet on the beach. When
we start to explore a marked track through the granite rocks to
the “Devils Beach” she not only follows us but likes
to climb over the rocks using the ladders and ropes provided.
After having a swim there we also need to get back through the
same labyrinth and now our daughter is showing signs of tiredness.
After having a short lunch aboard we get the boat ready for the
leg back to St. Martin, leave the mooring and off we are.
really, Lena is having a long nap for 4 hours only to be awake for
2 hours to have something to eat and then she goes back into her
bed again and sleeping till next day morning. While our daughter
is sleeping we have to fight against wind and waves. For the first
6 hours we motor and see some heavy squalls. After that the
promised ENE wind is coming up and so we set sails till next
morning when we realize that we either need to tack or make use of
the engine again. As we had to sail against the wind we were slow
with an average of only 4knots and also lots of cruise ships were
passing us in both directions, no night for sleeping. At 6 o'clock
in the morning we take down the foresail and start the engine to
motor the last 20 miles. As our watertanks are empty anyway we
also start our watermaker. Finally at noon we reach the French
side of St. Martin and drop our anchor in Marigot Bay. It took us
21 hours to get here and it only took us 14 hours to take us to
the BVIs just 3 weeks ago.
are very happy to see “Morgi” with Claudia and Edgar
on board again. On the same evening we sit together in our cockpit
and serve them onioncake with white wine. While sitting together
we exchange stories on our adventures we had for the last 4 weeks.
We have left just before X-mas on Dominica. A few days later we
are invited by Edgar and Claudia for a BBQ onboard of “Morgi”.
We stay till after midnight and have lots of smalltalks on
sailing, plans for the future, ... Lena likes to be onboard of
“Morgi” and playing with Edgar and Claudia. Just after
dinner she falls asleep in the cockpit and sleeps till we leave
for going home to “Mimpi Manis”.
29th January and Stephans parents will land in San
Maarten early afternoon. With a rented car we drive to the airport
on the Dutch side and pick them up. Although Lena has not seen her
grandparents since one year, she is not shy at all and runs
towards them for giving a kiss! And after a few minutes she
behaves totally normal and is chattering with grandmother and
grandfather like being with them together since weeks. We are also
happy to see them well again and hope they will enjoy their time
on board of “Mimpi Manis”. After all bags are stowed
away Lena is getting her second X-mas with all the presents
waiting for her in Germany since her birthday. She is really happy
about all the presents grandmother and grandfather carried in
their bags across the whole Atlantic.
the next day we have to celebrate again: Claudia from “Morgi”
is having her birthday. Early in the morning we sing “Happy
Birthday” on VHF and she is having a birthdaycake for
breakfast. In the afternoon we celebrate her birthday in the ruins
of the Fort St. Louis high above Marigot and enjoying this
secluded point with its spectacular view down to Simpson Lagoon
and Marigot. Also Monika and Herman from “Gräfin“
are invited for this picnic. Everybody was asked to bring some
salad and so we have 3 different salads, tuna-tapenade,
broccoli-quiche and fresh baguette and also red wine. Lena also
enjoys the party and is eating a lot and having fun while playing
with everybody. She is climbing on old canons, strolling through
the ruins and finally falling asleep while being in Claudias arms.
When it was dark since a few hours we packed together all our
items and got terrified by millions of ants crawling all over the
leftovers of the food. The salad was black from ants and and so
lots of the food was left with them and we had to clean our bags.
Back on the boat we emptied all bags again and searched them for
ants. Every item was hand checked before it was allowed to go
below deck. The bags itself were sprayed with insecticide and hang
outside! It was a really lovely evening we really did enjoy,
despite the invasion of the ants. Thanks to Edgar and Claudia!
do not like this idea but we will have to leave Claudia and Edgar
and say farewell to “Morgi”. We are heading further
south and they will continue west in a couple of days. And in May
they will head for a crossing of the Atlantic Ocean back to the
Mediterranean Sea. So we won't see them again in the Caribbean Sea
and only maybe again in the Mediterranean Sea. We are really sad
to leave them and not to see them again for quite some time. We
have spent together lots of hours we all enjoyed. Especially Lena
will miss them as “Morgi” was a good source for
cookies and she liked playing with Edgar and Claudia. Also we will
not see them soon, we want to stay in contact and we promised to
see each other in autumn in Germany. We have changed our plans
recently and now they are becoming clearer from day to day: in May
“Mimpi Manis” will sail across the Atlantic Ocean back
to the Mediterranean Sea but not on its own keel like “Morgi”
but on the deck of a commercial freighter. This freighter will
leave from the BVIs mid of May and reach La Spezia (Italy) app. 3
weeks later. We will take a flight to Germany as soon as “Mimpi
Manis” is loaded and hopefully being in La Spezia in time to
see our boat again. There are several reasons why we do not
continue sailing. First it is not really funny to sail with two
small children especially long distances and second we are simply
running out of money. And just to spent two more years in the
Caribbean Sea with no possibility to sail on to the Pacific can be
really boring. And after the two years we would have left no money
at all and so it is much better to stop this experiment now and
save the money for a good start in Germany again. But for now we
will have the opportunity to sail another 4 ½ months here
in the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea.

February: After
having waved good bye to Edgar and Claudia we lift our anchor and
head for Saint Barthélemy, briefly called St. Barth. We had
to sail close-hauled for 5 hours to cover the 20nm leg. We moor to
one of the free moorings at the situated on the north-western tip
of this tiny ( only 22 km²
) island. In the year 1496 Columbus discovered this island
and named it after his brother. Today St. Barth is also called St.
Tropez of the Caribbean Sea. Especially at X-mas all those wealthy
and well known meet here. But when anchoring in a secluded bay you
won´t be affected at all but have enough time to swim in
crystal clear water and enjoy the long sandy beach while building
sand castles with our daughter. We staid there for whole 5 days
and did nothing else then relaxing. After that we explore
Gustavia, the capital of Saint Barthélemy for a couple of
hours before we continue to Antigua. We stroll through the streets
with its numerous shops for jewellery, watches and fragrances and
take a look at the mega-yachts moored in the tiny harbour. We
learn a lot about history like that St. Barth is part of the
French Departement of Guadeloupe and therefore part of Europe. At
the end of the 18th century France gifted this island
to Sweden in exchange of trade rights at Göteborg. The king
of Sweden, Gustav III (therefore the capital was named Gustavia)
was proud having an overseas colony. Hundred years later the
island was given back to France and it does not wonder that still
an influence from Swedish culture and architecture can be seen.
from exploring the harbour and the tiny town we prepare “Mimpi
Manis” for the 90nm leg to Antigua. For the first 10 hours
we can sail close hauled while having 10-15knots of wind. It is
nice sailing as the waveheight is low but then wind drops at 1am
and and we have to start our engine as sailing is not possible any
more. So we take the opportunity and fill our water tank with our
watermaker while motoring for the next 14 hours. Early in the
morning our fishing line gets tight and we stop the engine to get
the fish in. Unfortunately a Barracuda took the bait and we
release him again as we fear of Ciguatera intoxication which is
common with Barracudas. This fish would have fed all 5 of us and
grandfather gets really sad when Stephan set the fish free again
after having him released from the hook. Ciguatera is a toxin made
by small algae and accumulates in the nutrition chain. And
sometimes a human is the end of this chain after having eaten a
Barracuda. The toxin can not be destroyed by cooking or be
detected in the fish. Symptoms are paresis, cramps and vision
disturbances as the toxin affects all kinds of muscles. In very
seldom cases the symptoms can lead to respiratory paresis and
resulting in death. An antidote is available but must be giving
intravenously and within 24 hours after the first symptoms have
occurred. After 24 hours we finally reach English Harbour on
one year ago when we made our first landfall in the Caribbean Sea
in English Harbour on 11th February 2006 after having
sailed on the Atlantic for 3 ½ weeks. We were really happy
at that time having firm soil under our feet again after sailing
for such a long time. Out on the Atlantic. Therefore we went to a
restaurant to celebrate this day and having safely sailed in the
Caribbean Sea for one year. Lena gets really happy when we meet
Rosie again at English Harbour. The two girls had some good time
in Carriacou in July/August when we and “Ciao”
anchored close by. And now it seems like they have never been
separated and it only takes them a few minutes till they share
they toys and play together on the beach.
we only have a few days to spent on Antigua we have a tight
program. We get on the bus to the capital St. John's for
provisioning, stroll through Nelson's Dockyard with its beautiful
restored buildings, take a look at the mega-yachts in Falmouth
harbour and walk up to Shirley Heights enjoying picturesque views
down to the bay of English Harbour. On clear days one can see as
far as Guadeloupe and Montserrat. After a last beach day with
Rosie we must say good bye to “Ciao” and hope to see
them again in 3 months when we will sail north again. We are
leaving for Montserrat as we are in a bit of a hurry to get to
Martinique in time. Latest end of February we must be in
Martinique and between Antigua and Martinique there are numerous
bays in beautiful islands.
morning we set sails for Montserrat which is only 35miles south
west of Antigua. We have a really beautiful sail with an average
of 6knots, although for the first few miles we were rolling badly.
We are the only yacht anchoring at Little Bay, the one and only
harbour on the north-western tip of Montserrat Only 50 -60 yachts
visit this island every year. Montserrat is off the beaten track
for most sailing boats and the bay itself can be really rocky when
swell is entering. It is only a couple of months ago when the
raised the alarm level as high as 4 for the active volcano
Soufriere. In 1995 Soufriere went into an active state while
exhausting gases, rocks and ash over the southern part of this
small island. In 1997 a huge eruption destroyed the capital
“Plymouth” and left 2/3 of the island uninhabitable.
7.000 of the once 11.000 inhabitants fled for the northern part,
other Caribbean islands, Great Britain or the US. Nowadays only
4.500 people live on Montserrat. The government has new buildings
near Little Bay, a new airport has been built and it seems that
the people get used to live on one of the most active volcanoes on
earth. The former capital of Plymouth is covered under ash and
pyroclastic eruptions have burnt large part of the southern part
within seconds. It is only one month ago when the latest eruption
hit the island leading to a huge evacuation of a part thought to
be save.
rent a taxi to get an impression of the “Safe Zone” in
the northern part. And also to go as far south as possible and
take the opportunity to have a look onto the destruction zone of
an active volcano. Although there are only 4.500 people living
here, all necessary infrastructure like kindergarten, schools,
banks, hospital, government houses, social welfare, ... can be
found on this British Crown Colony. It seems that no poverty is on
this island, all houses look tidy and most of them are newly
built. Especially in the “Daytime Entry Zone”, the
zone only to be entered during daytime due to security reasons
lots of beautiful houses are located. It seems that the owners
have left only for a short holiday, but nobody knows if or when
these parts will be safe again and can be used for safe living. At
the end of our tour we stop at the volcanic observatory and have
the opportunity to see the destructions on the southern part.
There is a smoking volcano threatening the peaceful scenery. Just
a few kilometres away parts of Plymouth can be seen buried with
ash and rocks. Nobody can imagine what it means to leave his house
because of the threat of a volcanic eruption.
by the views on the destroyed parts of the island we go back to
Little Bay and leave same day for Iles des Saintes (Guadeloupe).
We motor along the western shoreline of Montserrat and get more
views on the destroyed southern part. Ash is blowing from
Soufriere to our boat while passing by Plymouth. On the southern
tip we set sails and sail close hauled with a NNE-wind with
15knots. When we reach the leeward side of Guadeloupe wind and
waves decrease and we have to start our engine for some time.
Leaving the southern tip of Guadeloupe behind us we head for Iles
des Saintes and drop anchor after 16 hours just in front of
Terre-de-Haut right after sunrise. It´s our 4th
time on Iles des Saintes, last time on X-mas when we were heading
for St. Martin. Although we know every path on this small islands
we are always happy when coming back. Maren and Uwe from Heavy
Metal are also here and so we meet one evening for dinner at a
restaurant as there is much to discuss after our last meeting in
Porlamar, Venezuela in November.
and grandmother also like these tiny islands. We stroll through
the crowded streets, walk up to Fort Napoleon high on a hill right
above the main settlement with its cactus-garden, leguans and
historic museum. One day we walk as far as the “Plage de
Pompiere” and relax on the beach or snorkel through the
coral gardens. Before heading on we stop at “Pain du Sucre”
for two days and enjoy the calm waters where Lena plays on the
beach for hours before getting tired. Now our daughter tries to
find out how it feels like to drown. So she plays in the water
without any swimming device and pushes her head below the surface
just to jump up again and take a deep breath. It is really
impressive how safe she feels in the water. Certainly mum or dad
is always close by in case Lena gets beyond her limits.
5 days on Iles des Saintes we lift our anchor again and head
further south. Next stop is Dominica, only 20 miles away.
Unfortunately lots of squalls hit us bringing a shift in wind
direction and force and some rain. Nevertheless we could sail most
of the distance and because of the low waves it was quite a nice
sail. In the early afternoon we reach Portsmouth on the
north-western tip and drop anchor in Prince Ruppert Bay close by
“Big Papa´s Restaurant”. We feel at home here
and enjoy again the the breathtaking scenery of green tropical
vegetation on the hill slopes and the palm fringed beaches
surrounding the anchorage. Dominica is far on top of our private
ranking list of Caribbean Islands especially as it is so green and
original. Checking in and out at customs is very easy and straight
forward and you can check in and out at the same time if leaving
within two weeks, during night-time a local is patrolling through
the anchorage to ensure security and since a few weeks yachts can
get cheap water at a mooring. Also it is no problem to get a
refill of your gas-container, theoretically. Just drop your
container at “Big Papa” and get it filled next day.
But we are unlucky as it is carnival and so nobody is working and
even on Ash Wednesday streets look like on a public holiday. So
Stephan is getting the gas-container himself to Rousseau for a
refill on Thursday. It takes him 4 to get there and back and
having it refilled. But as we wanted to leave on Friday it was
worth the effort as now we have cooking-gas for another 4 months.
it is our third time on Dominica and we have rented a car for
sightseeing twice before, we do not really want to repeat this
again. So we send grandmother and grandfather on a guided tour
while we relax on the beach with Lena, digging holes, baking sandy
cakes and splash in the shallow water. Next day grandmother,
grandfather and Lena walk to Fort Shirley and when returning after
4 hours grandmother is bleeding severely on her right knee. She
has slipped while walking down the path and hit a stone with her
knee. Stephan taking a look at the wound is getting his tools
ready to suture up the wound after cleaning. Lots of small stones
and sand has got into the wound and he carefully cleans it before
suturing up with 3 stitches. It´s the first time we had to
make use of our extensive medical equipment and grandmother is not
so unhappy that she will not be able to go into the water for a
our time on Dominica has come to an end and we have to leave for
our final destination for the next two months: Martinique. To
cover the 55nm leg till St. Pierre, the northernmost anchorage on
Martinique we have to motor along the lee-shore of Dominica for
the first 4.5 hours till we have reached the southern tip of
Dominica. Not before this point (Scots Head) wind is steady enough
for sailing. When reaching the lee of Martinique wind is dropping
again and so we have to start the engine again to cover the last
few miles. Just before sunrise still in dark night we drop our
anchor in front of St. Pierre the former capital of Martinique.
St. Pierre was completely destroyed in 1902 when the Volcano Pelée
erupted and killed 30.000 people within minutes. As it is not our
first (in fact it´s our third time) we visit St. Pierre we
only stay for one night before we sail (15nm) on to Anse Mitan. We
decided to stay in this bay for the next 4 weeks till Evi will
give birth to our new crew member in Fort de France. There is a
white sandy beach, lots of shops and restaurants, a supermarket,
car rental, WiFi at the anchorage, a ferry to Fort de France, ...
so lots of reasons to stay here and not at the rocky bay at Fort
De France.
it can get really crowded when 5 people are living on our tiny
boat, we get along with it quite well. Grandfather and grandmother
always have to convert the salon settee into their berth and so
they can only go to bed when all others have left for theirs.
Daily to do´s like washing up, hanging up the laundry, fill
drinking water into the bottles, make the boat clear for sailing,
going night shifts, ... are done by all 4 adults equally. So we
have some more time left for relaxing (especially Evi with her
steadily growing baby inside) and reading a book. And of course
grandmother and grandfather are eager to play with Lena and walk
on the shore with her for hours. So we have some time to work on
the boat or just having an undisturbed nap. She likes walking with
her grandparents and even leaving mama and daddy behind on the
boat is OK for her. In the evening when Lena is finally asleep
after an exhausting day we get out one game out of our huge game
collection and play till midnight or even longer. On days when Evi
can not sit due to her huge belly Stephan plays cards with his
parents and drink some of our stored red wine.

First of April has come and our daughter is born. Sophie was
born at the hospital „Maternité Redoute in Fort de
France/Martinique. Same day early morning papa, Lena, grandmother
and grandfather come to visit the new crewmember and the proudly
mama. Also the next days papa and Lena regularly visit mama and
Sophie and on the 4th day mama and Sophie are allowed
to leave hospital and move onto our sailing boat. Stephan was busy
in the meantime and he was able to organize an international birth
certificate for his new daughter at the town hall in Fort de
France despite his non-existing French. Sometimes things are going
faster then predicted. So we are lucky to see the honorary consul
just after leaving hospital. Taking all necessary paperwork with
us like birth certificates of both parents, passports, certificate
of marriage, ... we intend to have Sophie listed in Evi`s passport
as this is the fastest way to get an travel document. And most
countries accept those listings in the passport of the parents
except some very few ones like the USA which insist on a passport
with a recent photo for every person. But everybody knows how fast
babies change and how similar they look. And even for transit
flights you need a passport as US airports do not have a transit
area. So we are locked from flying home to good old Europe via the
US although this would have been a cheap way of travelling. So
when being at the honorary consul we have to fill in several
forms, sign a few times and leave a reasonable fee. The passport
will be sent to Paris, Sophie will be added to the list of
accompanying children and then returned to the honorary consul
where we will hopefully get it in a not to distant future. But
although we are at the office on Thursday the letter will not
leave before Tuesday as it is Easter Weekend and on Friday and
Monday there are holidays. We leave with a really nice bunch of
flowers, congratulations for our new crewmember and a big promise
that we will be called as soon as the passport is back. Back on
our boat we get another hearty welcome by grandfather and
grandmother who have put up a decoration on “Mimpi Manis”.
We open a bottle of Champagne and cheer to Sophie who is still
sleeping in her Maxicosi. Also our neighbours at the jetty pass by
for congratulation and drop a bottle of Champagne, a toy and a
bottle of red wine. A few days later Wilma and Gerd from the
German sailing vessel Aquila also pass by to see Sophie. Thanks
Gerd and Wilma for all the presents you brought. We spent the
evening at the restaurant “Le Ponton” together with
next days we have to deal with getting used to the new crewmember
who is asking for her space when it comes down to sleeping and
entertainment. Being 6 people on board of our tiny little boat is
not easy all the times. But grandmother and grandfather help
whenever it is possible for them. They play with Lena, take care
of Sophie, do the washing up, ... And Lena also has to get used to
the fact that there is a new family member consuming time from her
parents. Although she really loves her small sister and wants to
carry her around she can get very jealous from time to time giving
her parents a hard time not to neglect her. Up to now she was our
princess and now there is another one with the same right to be
loved by her parents.
were pretty close to miss Eastern as no signs at the supermarkets
were seen. No Easter eggs, egg-paints, Easter bunny, ... To paint
boiled eggs seems to be a German habit and so we say thanks to
grandmother and grandfather who took some paint with them when
visiting us. So Lena is running through the whole ship and looks
for another hidden eggs and other gifts for nearly half an hour.
It's her first Easter she realizes and takes an active part.
Although she likes cake and chocolate Lena believes the chocolate
cake to be sour, who cares?
after the holidays are over Stephan is allowed to work on his
To-Do-list and get rid of some points listed there. He is sanding
the foredeck and repaints it. He really has to drink a lot as he
is sweating like being in a sauna. Also he is working on our
heating as it stopped working a few months ago. No we do not need
it now but when we return into the Mediterranean Sea we will
probably need it again and to keep it in good condition the
heating should work from time to time to get out the old fuel and
moisture. Temperature is falling as low as 26°C during
nightime after 30° and more at daytime. But unfortunately he
is unable to repair it and so we will need to unmount it and send
it back to the manufacturer for having it repaired. But
nevertheless he can cross out most of the items on his long list
while other crewmembers make extensive use of the hammock in the
before grandmother and grandfather must say good-bye, Marlies and
Fred, a Swiss couple are visiting us on “Mimpi Manis”.
As Stephan has helped them with some minor repairs we receive some
pilots for the Mediterranean Sea and a fishing rod. They are
selling there boat in the Caribbean Sea and so a buyer may not be
interested in such items or not appreciate them. But we can make
use of them and say thanks! We spent a long evening in our cockpit
and more then two bottles of wine are empty afterwards.
has come to say good bye from our two guests. Grandfather and
grandmother are flying home to Germany after 11 weeks in the warm
Caribbean. Since end of January they have been with us from St.
Martin to Martinique and patiently waited for their fifth
grandchild to be born. We were glad that they have joined us as it
made a lot of things easier for us. Thanks for all your help and
the presents you brought with you. When we finally went to the
airport everybody is sad. Especially Lena does not understand why
grandfather and grandmother are leaving and she wants to join
them. She starts crying and it gives us a very hard time to calm
her down. Even on the following days she starts to look for
grandfather and grandmother on the boat. It got much better when
we told her that we will fly to Germany in a couple of weeks. So
she takes our atlas (now called Germany book!) and starts to look
for Germany and points to the place we intend to live for the next
years. But telling her that we will fly to Munich ends in a hefty
protest: “Not to Munich, I want to fly to Germany!” So
we have some new items to build with her Duplo. An aircraft and
furniture of her new room at our house. But when we think we are
ready she wants to add a mast with a mainsail and an anchor. It
seems that she got imprinted by the last two years we spent on our
sailing boat.
on our boat we enjoy the to be a family of four. We really liked
it with grandfather and grandmother but after 11 weeks we are glad
to have a bit more space on our tiny boat. Being 6 people on board
can be very tiny! We top up with water at the jetty and wash all
clothes, towels, bed-linen, stow away the food we have bought and
then we leave the jetty and get back to the anchorage at Anse
Mitan where we are waiting for things to happen.
a surprise! After only two weeks the clerk of the honorary consul
is calling to tell us that Evis passport is back from Paris. One
week earlier then expected! So we get there immediately and on our
way back we go into a travel agency and book flights back home to
Germany leaving from Antigua. Although we do not have a fixed date
for shipping of our boat from the BVIs to Italy we do not want to
wait longer. Every week they tell us that next week we will get a
schedule but who knows if they keep to it! We know that loading in
Tortola will take place somewhere in between 10th and
20th of May and it takes app. 14 days for the freighter
to reach La Spezia. If we wait to long the cheap flights may be
sold out. But now we have nothing else to to on Martinique and so
we only wait for favourable winds to start our journey to the
north. After two months in Martinique it is a must to sail again

und Juni: Anfang
Mai ist es dann soweit: Wir bereiten uns auf unseren letzten
gemeinsamen Törn hier in der Karibik vor. In 3 Etappen wollen
wir von Martinique aus bis nach Antigua segeln und dort erst mal
auf unseren definitiven Verladetermin in den BVI´s warten.
Unser erster geplanter Streckenabschnitt führt uns bis nach
Portsmouth/Dominika. Nachdem wir alles verstaut haben und aus
unserem schwimmenden Zuhause nach fast 2 Monaten Ankerliegen
wieder ein Segelboot gemacht haben, sagen wir „Au revoir
Martinique“ und gehen am frühen Abend Anker auf zu
unser ersten großen Nachtfahrt zu 4. Wir sind gespannt, wie
die 1 Monat alte Sophie mit dem Segeln zurecht kommt. Doch die
Kleine meistert die neue Situation mit Bravour. Kein Geschrei,
kein Gebrüll, im Gegenteil: sie ist ganz ruhig und lässt
sich von den Schiffsbewegungen in den Schlaf schaukeln. Mamas
Besorgnis war mal wieder völlig unbegründet. Eher Grund
zur Sorge dagegen bereitet uns Fridolin, unsere Windsteueranlage.
Die funktioniert heute nämlich nicht so, wie sie soll, so
dass uns nichts anderes übrig bleibt, als von Hand zu
steuern. Doch damit noch nicht genug: Als gegen 3 Uhr morgens der
Wind aus bleibt, und wir den Motor anwerfen müssen, streikt
dieser ebenfalls. Stephan kramt murrend seine Werkzeugkiste hervor
und wechselt den völlig verdreckten Vorfilter. Leider hilft
das nur wenig, denn der Motor stottert immer noch. Wahrscheinlich
ist auch der Filter in der Dieselpumpe zu. Mit Hängen und
Würgen schaffen wir jedoch ohne weitere Reparaturen die
verbleibenden Seemeilen bis Portsmouth, wo wir in aller Frühe
unseren Anker in der Prince Ruppert Bay werfen.
Erst mal
ein wenig ausschlafen, danach geht’s an die Reparatur und
die Fehlersuche. Noch bevor Stephan so richtig loslegen kann,
schon die nächste Hiobsbotschaft: Salzwasser in der Bilge! Wo
kommt das nun schon wieder her? Der Schwanenhals ist dicht, dafür
scheint eine Membran des Wassermachers zu lecken. Ein Versuch, die
Verschraubung im eingebauten Zustand abzudichten scheitert. Also
Membranen ausbauen, dichten, Probelauf und wieder einbauen. So,
das wäre geschafft. Als nächstes ist Fridolin an der
Reihe, der von den Salzablagerungen befreit , und wieder gängig
gemacht wird. Danach macht sich Stephan an das Motorenproblem und
zerlegt die Dieselpumpe. Der Filter der Dieselpumpe ist ziemlich
verdreckt, und müsste eigentlich erneuert werden, doch im
Moment muss eine Reinigung des Filters genügen, da wir keinen
Ersatzfilter haben und hier auf Dominika sicherlich auch keinen
auf die Schnelle organisieren können. Immerhin, der Motor
springt nun ohne Stottern und Murren wieder an. Na hoffentlich
hält er bis St. Maarten durch! Kurz bevor Stephan fertig ist
und alles aufräumen will, überrascht uns ein heftiger
Regenguss. Es schüttet wie aus Kübeln: Werkzeuge,
Maschinen und Buggy, alles wird patschnass. Das hat uns nach einem
langen Reparaturtag gerade noch gefehlt. Die Stimmung des Kapitäns
ist auf dem Nullpunkt angelangt.
Erst am
nächsten Tag haben wir ein wenig Zeit, uns ein bisserl zu
entspannen, ein letztes Mal vor unserer Heimkehr mit Jan, dem
TO-Stützpunktleiter hier auf Dominika zu ratschen und uns auf
die nächste anstehende Nachtfahrt vorzubereiten, die uns von
Portsmouth/Dominika bis nach Deshaies im Nordwesten von Guadeloupe
führen soll. Hoffentlich klappt es dieses Mal besser. Die
erste „Probefahrt“ nach 2 Monaten Segelpause ist ja
wohl mächtig daneben gegangen. Wassermacher, Motor,
Windsteueranlage....was geht dieses Mal kaputt? Alles scheint
bestens zu funktionieren, mit 6 Knoten Fahrt rauschen wir dahin.
Erst gegen 3 Uhr morgens, als wir die Südspitze von
Guadeloupe erreichen verlässt uns der Wind und wir werfen die
Maschine an. Auch hier keine Probleme! Nach 10 Stunden Fahrt
erreichen wir am nächsten Morgen Deshaies. Uns trifft fast
der Schlag, als wir kurz nach der Ankunft abermals Salzwasser in
der Motorraumbilge entdecken: der Wassermacher ist erneut undicht.
Dieses Mal tropft es an der Endkappe der Membran heraus. Bei
näherem Hinschauen stellen wir fest, dass die Ursache ein
Haarriss am Deckel der Membran ist. Ein Anruf bei ECH2O-Tec
in Trinidad und das Ersatzteil wird prompt auf den Weg nach
Antigua geschickt, wo wir es in ein paar Tagen entgegennehmen
wollen. Bis dahin müssen wir unseren Wassermacher mit
Süßwasser spülen und für ein paar Tage
stilllegen, um einen weiteren Wassereinbruch zu vermeiden.
Auch die
3. Etappe von Guadeloupe bis Antigua ein paar Tage später ist
wunderschönes, gemütliches Halbwindsegeln durch die
Nacht mit Vollmondbegleitung. So macht Segeln Spaß. Die
knapp 50 sm legen wir in nur 8 Stunden zurück. Am frühen
Morgen erreichen wir English Harbour, wo wir neben der „Ciao“
unseren Anker werfen. Nun haben wir das Endziel unserer
gemeinsamen Reise erreicht. Von hier aus werden wir in gut 2
Wochen nach Deutschland zurückfliegen. Der Kreis scheint sich
zu schließen, denn vor 1 ¼ Jahren sind wir von
English Harbour aus zu unserer Reise durch die karibischen Inseln
aufgebrochen. Antigua, der Anfang und das Ende unseres
Wiedersehensfreude mit Rosie (3 Jahre), Kirsti und Jason von der
„Ciao“ ist groß. Zuletzt haben wir die 3 vor ¼
Jahr getroffen, als wir auf dem Weg von den BVIs nach Martinique
einen kurzen Stopp in Antigua eingelegt hatten. Die beiden Mädels
scheinen sich noch an ihr letztes Treffen zu erinnern und spielen
schon nach kurzer Zeit ausgelassen zusammen am Strand bzw. auf dem
Schiff. Nur schade, dass es in 2 Wochen schon wieder Abschied
nehmen heißt. Kurz nach unserer Ankunft in Antigua erreicht
uns auch das Ersatzteil für unseren Wassermacher aus
Trinidad. Ohne die erwarteten und befürchteten Zollprobleme
wird das Paket bei Jane's Yachtservices ausgeliefert. Nun darf
Stephan zum 3. Mal innerhalb weniger Tage den Wassermacher
zerlegen, den neuen Membrandeckel einbauen und alles wieder
zusammenbasteln. Inzwischen geht ihm das Ganze schon viel fixer
von der Hand als beim ersten Mal. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass nun
endlich das Problem beseitigt ist. Ein erster Test verläuft
positiv: der Wassermacher arbeitet, und kein Wasser in der Bilge.
Endlich Nachricht von der Firma „Sevenstars“. Der
Verladetermin für unsere „Mimpi Manis“ verschiebt
sich um ca. 14 Tage und findet voraussichtlich zwischen dem 31.5.
- 4.6. statt. Das passt uns überhaupt nicht, denn unser
Rückflug nach Deutschland ist bereits für den 21.5
gebucht!! Eine Umbuchung unserer Flüge ist nicht möglich,
und verfallen wollen wir sie auf keinen Fall lassen. Das bedeutet,
dass die Verladung unseres Bootes in den BVIs ohne uns stattfinden
muss. Wir werden wohl keine andere Wahl haben, als das Schiff dort
vor Ort in die Marina zu legen und jemanden von „Sevenstars“
zu beauftragen, es zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt zum Frachter zu
bringen. Doch das kostet: pro Tag in der Marina 40 US$ plus
schlappe 400 US$ für die Überführung von der Marina
zum Frachter. Kein schlechter Stundenlohn für eine ½
Seemeile! Wir ärgern uns gewaltig, denn noch vor ein paar
Wochen wurde uns von einem Mitarbeiter der Firma „Sevenstars“
schriftlich zugesichert, dass wir unseren Heimflug gefahrlos ab
dem 21.5 buchen können. Vertraglich hat die Firma jedoch
jeglichen Anspruch auf Kostenerstattung bei Verspätungen
ausgeschlossen. Trotz der schlechten Nachricht versuchen wir das
Beste aus dem Tag zu machen und Evi´s Geburtstag heute ein
wenig im kleinen Kreise zu feiern.
letzten Tage bis zu unserer Heimkehr vergehen wie im Fluge. Es
gibt noch einiges zu organisieren und zu erledigen: die
Seitentanks reinigen, nochmal alles kräftig durchwaschen,
unsere inzwischen gähnend leeren Vorrats-Stauräume
säubern, das Boot putzen, und vor allem eine Unterkunft für
Evi, Lena und Sophie in English Harbour suchen für die Zeit,
in der Stephan alleine die „Mimpi Manis“ von Antigua
nach Tortola überführen wird. Zu allem Übel werden
wir alle 4 noch auf die letzten Tage krank: Fieber, Husten,
Schnupfen,Halsweh, Nebenhöhlenentzündung, Durchfall,
Erbrechen....ob das das Reisefieber ist?
Am 18.5.
ist es schließlich soweit: Nachdem alles gepackt, verstaut
und aufgeräumt ist, bringt Papa seine 3 Damen an Land,
klariert aus und macht sich am späten Nachmittag auf seine
letzte Fahrt in die BVI´s mit kurzem Zwischenstopp auf San
Maarten. Die Nacht über gemütliches Segeln bei einem
schönen 4er ESE, erst gegen Morgen lässt der Wind nach
und wird zunehmend schwächer. Als Stephan 3 Seemeilen vor San
Maarten schließlich den Motor anwerfen will, fängt
dieser wieder einmal zu spucken und zu stottern an: der verdreckte
Filter der Dieselpumpe meldet sich zu Wort! Mit letzter Kraft
rettet er sich nach 22 ½ Stunden Fahrt in die Simpson Bay
im Niederländischen Teil auf San Maarten. Doch keine Zeit
auszuspannen: schnell mit dem Dinghi an Land und versuchen bei
Island Waterworld oder einem Autoteilehändler den passenden
Filter zu bekommen. Vergeblich! Unverrichteter Dinge kehrt er
wieder zurück an Bord und schon kurz darauf geht es weiter:
Anker, Anker auf in Richtung Tortola! Da der Wind weiter
nachgelassen hat, heißt es Maschine an. Wie zu erwarten gibt
der Motor schon nach einer halben Stunde den Geist auf! „Rien
ne va plus“, nichts geht mehr! Jetzt hilft nur noch Filter
aus der Pumpe ausbauen und ohne Filter weiterfahren. Und siehe da,
es klappt. Der Motor funktioniert ohne Murren und läuft
problemlos die ganze Nacht über bis am nächsten Morgen
(20.5.) gegen 10 Uhr der Anker vor Road Town, der Hauptstadt von
Tortola fällt.
geht das Organisieren erst richtig los: anmelden in der Marina,
einklarieren, Dinghi an Deck zerren und verstauen, Treckerbaum
entlasten und auf das Deck laschen, KW-Antenne abbauen,
Wassermacher konservieren, Achterstag und Dirk abmontieren die
beim Kranen im Weg sind, wieder und wieder alle Stauräume
kontrollieren, ob wir auch nichts wichtiges vergessen haben
mitzunehmen, nochmals Pusser's kaufen, und nochmals zum Zoll, weil
die versehentlich ihm falsche Ein und Ausreisetage reingestempelt
haben, einen Bootsüberführer organisieren und dem kurz
die Handhabung des Bootes zeigen, den großen schweren
Rucksack packen und auf die Schultern hieven, noch ein letzter
Blick zurück und rein ins Taxi zum Flughafen .... und das
alles bei 35° C Hitze.
In der
Zwischenzeit verbringt Evi zusammen mit den beiden Kindern die
letzten 3 Tage bis zum Heimflug in einer Unterkunft in English
Harbour/Antigua. Kirsti und Rosie schauen fast täglich
vorbei, so dass die Zeit recht schnell vergeht. Lena hat sich
inzwischen einigermaßen von ihrer fiebrigen Erkältung
erholt und tobt fröhlich mit der kleinen Rosie herum. Nur
Sophie ist immer noch krank: Durchfall, hohes Fieber, Husten und
Schnupfen. Als am Tag vor dem Heimflug immer noch keine Besserung
auftritt, beschließt Evi, eine Ärztin zu konsultieren.
Nach Schilderung der Symptome rät diese, sofort eine Klinik
aufzusuchen. Da Jason für Sunsail arbeitet, organisiert
Kirsti kurzentschlossen von der Charterfirma einen Minibus und
bringt Evi mit der kleinen Sophie ins Krankenhaus. Lena und Rosie
sind mangels Babysitter natürlich mit von der Partie, und so
geht es noch am Sonntag abend zu 5. im Bus nach St. Johns, der
Hauptstadt Antiguas. In der Klinik angekommen gleich der nächste
Schock: 350 US $ nur dafür, dass ein Kinderarzt Sophie
untersucht, exklusive der notwendigen Blutuntersuchungen, versteht
sich! Die kosten selbstverständlich extra! Das sind
Hammerpreise, eine Abzocke für Touristen und Ausländer.
Einheimische zahlen für die Untersuchung 350 EC, was 131,09
US $ entspricht. Die Ärztin scheint Evi´s verzweifelte
und bittende Blicke zu verstehen und hat Mitleid. Zum
Billig-Einheimischentarif wird die Kleine untersucht. Nach fast 2
Stunden Warten endlich das Ergebnis: Verdacht auf
Lungenentzündung! Wir verlassen die Klinik mit dem Ratschlag
dass, falls es am nächsten Tag schlimmer wird, wir auf keinen
Fall nach Hause fliegen sollten! Mit dem Rezept in der Hand noch
schnell in eine Apotheke um Antibiotika zu kaufen, dann den ganzen
Weg zurück nach English Harbour. Es ist 23 Uhr, als wir
endlich in der Unterkunft ankommen. Tausend Dank, dir liebe Kirsti
für deine schnelle und unkomplizierte Hilfe!!!! Was hätten
wir nur ohne dich gemacht??? Das werden wir dir nie vergessen.
Jetzt hilft nur noch hoffen und beten, dass die Medizin möglichst
schnell anschlägt und es Sophie bald besser geht.
nächsten Morgen immer noch keine wesentliche Besserung, doch
immerhin auch keine Verschlechterung. Dank Paracetamol und
Antibiotika geht im Laufe des Tages das Fieber ein wenig zurück.
Nachdem alle Koffer und Taschen gepackt sind, verabschieden wir
uns von Rosie, Kirsti und Jason. Lena ist todtraurig, ihre
neugefundene Freundin schon wieder zu verlieren. Zum Abschied
bekommt sie von Rosie sogar einen Weihnachtspinguin geschenkt.
Auch Evi fällt der Abschied von den „Ciaos´s“
extrem schwer. So liebe Freunde haben wir nur ganz selten hier in
der Karibik kennengelernt. Wer weiß, ob wir sie je
wiedersehen werden?? Mit jeder Menge Gepäck geht’s dann
am späten Nachmittag mit dem Taxi zum Flughafen. Dort treffen
wir Papa wieder, der zur selben Zeit mit dem Flugzeug aus Tortola
eintrifft. Wir sind froh, uns wieder zu haben. Die letzten 3 Tage
waren für beide Seiten extrem anstrengend! Nun geht es
gemeinsam zurück in die Heimat. Nach über 2 Jahren
Segelabenteuer freuen wir uns darauf heimzukehren, Freunde und
Familie wiederzusehen und unsere neuen Pläne zu
verwirklichen: ein altes Haus umzubauen, uns ein neues, etwas
größeres, gemütliches Zuhause mit schönem
Garten zu schaffen und die nächsten Jahre als Urlaubssegler
das Mittelmeer zu erkunden.
22.5.07 um 17 Uhr landen wir ziemlich erschöpft,und froh in
München. Unsere Familie und eine liebe Freundin bereiten uns
einen herzlichen Empfang am Flughafen. Lena hat fast den ganzen
Flug verschlafen, und auch Sophie scheint das Ganze ganz gut
verkraftet zu haben und langsam auf dem Weg der Besserung zu sein.
wiederholter Verzögerung wird schließlich unsere „Mimpi
Manis“ mit 1 Monat Verspätung am 14. Juni verladen. Zur
Erinnerung, der ursprünglicher Verladetermin war zwischen dem
10. und 20. Mai geplant. Damit belaufen sich unsere zusätzlichen
Kosten für Marina und Überführung auf knapp 1.500
US$. 14 Tage später, am 28. Juni erreicht der Frachter La
Spezia/Italien. Stephan fährt zusammen mit seinem Vater
dorthin, um das Segelboot am nächsten Tag in Empfang zu
nehmen, es in eine nahegelegenen Marina bei..... zu bringen, an
Land zu kranen und die nötigsten Dinge einzupacken und
auszuräumen. Dort steht sie nun, unsere „MIMPI MANIS“
und wartet darauf, in einem Jahr für ein paar Wochen wieder
ins Wasser zu dürfen und zusammen mit uns durch das westliche
Mittelmeer zu segeln.
eines ist sicher. Der nächste kalte Winter kommt bestimmt,
und spätestens dann werden wir mit Wehmut an die schöne
und aufregende Zeit auf unserer Mimpi Manis zurückdenken und
träumen....süße Träume.....